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Feeling burned out? 


Doubtful there is anything to be done about burn out?


Loving your work but hating your job?


Enjoying your job but wondering if there is something more?


Concerned about furloughs?


Wondering if medicine is a sustainable career?


Curious about coaching and not sure where to start?


Have lots of ideas but you're not sure how to make them happen?


Missing your favorite CME course and your colleagues?


Wishing CME was more applicable to your daily work?


This Osteopathic Life will address all of these and more with a customized curriculum complete with group and 1:1 coaching to prevent and treat burnout AND show you how to create a process that can bring you success in any situation!




Begins September 1st


12-Week Program


24 1-A AOA or AMA CME Credit Hours Available


Weekly One-Hour Group Teaching Sessions


Six One-Hour Small Group Sessions


Six One-Hour 1:1 Coaching Calls


All Accessible via Zoom with Flexible Scheduling


Group Teaching Sessions Recorded for Review at Your Convenience


Pre- and Post- Course Needs Assessment for Tracking of Progress


Group Discounts Available


Investment: $3000


Thank you for registering!

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