Medical Students
COMpassion Project
Encouragement, support and resources for current students of the Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
Financial - Emotional - Practical - Philosophical
Individual or Group Programs - Virtual or In-Person Meetings - Lectures for COMs
Resident & Attending Physicians
D.O. Better
Challenging the current standard of care and systems management while respecting the power of the grand design
Rekindle your passion, be encouraged and empowered to think and act osteopathically
Personal - Professional - Practical - Philosophical Support​
Individual or Group - Virtual or In-Person - Lectures for Professional Societies
Finding Your osteoPath
Applying the foundational principles of osteopathic medicine to everyday life:
UNITY: Of the Body; Body-Mind-Spirit; Common Unity
- Learning how to engage, find your team & feel connected
​SELF-HEALING: Honoring Inherent Capacity
Respect capacity of self, recognize interruptions and remove obstructions to health​
STRUCTURE & FUNCTION: Significance of Interrelationship​
Honor true gifts & align your work accordingly​
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