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The Climb - Part 7 of 11

After adjusting our parking spot adjacent to the actual entry of the stairs, we climbed them one by one, in new views along the way, each level highlighting the colors of this end of October weekend in a new way.


Arrival at the initial peak found us amidst another group of hikers, some of the few patrons of the island not actively engaged in the downtown trick or treat experience.


They engaged in lively conversation, apparently two distinct groups who discovered a common thread along the climb, their conversation began with “oh, so you know…” and then evolved into review of the bonus stairs available for a second summit.


Interestingly the recommendations, and more accurately directives, were to avoid this ascent, and more pointedly the disappointment experienced on their arrival.


The group receiving this information opted to align with the suggestion and omitted the second, smaller, set of stairs.


As my travel partner and I considered the option, we noted that the experience was subject to the perspective of the participant, beauty ever in the eye of the beholder.


And decided that we would determine for ourselves if those additional 58 steps were worth the climb, which they were, because we chose them to be.


Noticing that it was also the choice of the additional ascenders to not enjoy those final steps, just as it was for the second group to opt out and deem that as right for them – no wrong way to approach an experience when we are within our autonomy.


Reaching the peak point, additional views, new trees, and a sense of completion made for a satisfying arrival.


With a few more photos in our album, we pivoted to approach the descent.


Gravity on our side made this a less laborious endeavor, and we were happy to regroup at the base, donning coats and hats for the finale of the bike ride and satisfied with the choices made to experience the entirety of the climb.

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